By Radgirl - 28/04/2009 02:10 - United States

Today, while on a run off campus with my german shepherd, I tried to impress a couple of hot fraternity guys playing football outside of their house. I broke out into a full sprint. I then got tangled in my dog's leash and fell straight in to a parked jeep knocking myself unconscious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 362
You deserved it 58 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you tried to impress them by running full sprint ....? you're supposed to run slowly and bouncy like... YDI

BB_baby 0

"i tried to impress" any FML with that should automatically get a YDI haha



lol this is really funny and YDI!

freaky592 2

sometimes the best response is the

melanie177 1

Well, did anyone come to your rescue?

BB_baby 0

"i tried to impress" any FML with that should automatically get a YDI haha

you tried to impress them by running full sprint ....? you're supposed to run slowly and bouncy like... YDI

Bwahahahaa, guess they definitely noticed you... Agree though, aren't you supposed to do the whole scary movie run and bounce around to get their attention? Hmmm

she was trying to impress *frat guys* mind you, wrow.

Actually no, she did the right thing. As Fraternity guys are used to their women unconscious I'm sure seeing you lying there knocked out really made them hot for you.

You know, if they were gentlemen (the type of guy you should be trying to impress) they would have come over and helped you out. I'm guessing none of them did since this is an FML... They're not worth your time :)

OP clearly said that they were fraternity guys. What makes you think that they would behave like gentlemen?

You saw hot guys and the best thing you could think of to do was to sprint? You need to work on your style. If I saw somebody do that to impress me, I'd be thinking "weirdo".

its not good to see a girl running away from you