By Anonymous - 02/01/2011 05:17 - United States

Today, while making New Year's resolutions, I realized that I haven't hung out with anybody other than my family in over two years and I started crying. When my mom came in and I explained why I was crying, she replied, "Well that sucks. I'm off to have lunch with some friends. See you later!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 318
You deserved it 8 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you don't like not having a life, start making one. It's not like people get one on Christmas day or something, you have to actually do something for it.

go bowling dude it's a great place to make friends man!!


BlahLand 0

then start goin out more with friends ? ahaha mom's a WIN lol

iSitt 0

Your fml contains the key to your cure.

Maybe instead of crying go hang out with your friends..

go bowling dude it's a great place to make friends man!!

your mom obviously has a better social life than you do. Go have some fun with your friends, or get some friends!

If you don't like not having a life, start making one. It's not like people get one on Christmas day or something, you have to actually do something for it.

Idonebeenhad 17

I assume that your resolutions are as follows: 1) Stop being a ******* pussy 2) Make at least one friend 3) Get out of the house 4) Stop being a ******* PUSSY

Just don't accept their candy!!!!!!!!

yeah, that guy who's driving the free candy van isnt your friend!

tmmundy 17

lmao....those vans are everywhere!!! you would think the police would catch on to their scam and shut them down.

don't listen to them! the guys in the van have the BEST candy!

talb1 7

Ran, knows what he is talking about.

First rule of making friends: talk to strangers.

Nooo, you shouldn't talk to strangers, that's dangerous! Geez, didn't your parents teach you ANYTHING?!

*facepalm* How else do you expect to make friends? Last time I checked you couldn't buy them...

Of course you can - the slave trade is still alive and well!

Battledog5006 0

get some friends you fat pussy, try chatroulette

No, not chatroulette. That will scar her for life.

Shaggy_92 5

Your shirt should say "no chicks at all", we all know you gobble balls ya douchy taco.

Yeah you could do that, if you want penises for friends...