Tricky social rules

By Acidcat - 31/12/2023 13:30 - India

Today, I asked my husband to spend New Year's with me watching a movie or maybe spending some time together. He said, "I can't upset my family by coming to celebrate New Year's with you." For context, we live separately because my Dad passed away and I can't leave my mum alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 535
You deserved it 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like he is upset with you for the choice you made to live separately. I can completely understand. Maybe you should find a fitting solution, such as renting a place for your mom next to you.


Sounds like he is upset with you for the choice you made to live separately. I can completely understand. Maybe you should find a fitting solution, such as renting a place for your mom next to you.