Depression 2023

By Anonymous - 01/04/2023 22:00 - United States - Providence

Today, I was finally alone for the first time in a year. I thought I'd go to a restaurant, but ended up getting there before they opened. While waiting, I listened to music, only to end up crying for several minutes because I haven't had a girlfriend since 2010, and never will again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 677
You deserved it 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

leslilouwho 3

I’ve been single 7 years. It’s kinda great!!!! Indulge yourself with anything you want.

Very little in this life is permanent - Neither the good or the bad things. You can change things if you want to. Do a little honest self-analysis and try to figure out what you need to change if you don’t want to remain single. Ask a friend (not a coworker) who will be honest with you about this… Being single is not the worse thing you can be, but I do understand that most of us want and need love and romantic relationships. Make sure your expectations of a potential partner are realistic. Some people have such unrealistic and detailed expectations about a prospective partner that they don’t see the people around them who might actually be a good potential partner. Don’t try to jump right to sex and romance in the beginnings of a relationship, be a friend first and find things that you both enjoy when you do find someone. If it’s in the cards, the rest will follow.


leslilouwho 3

I’ve been single 7 years. It’s kinda great!!!! Indulge yourself with anything you want.

I'd say with an emo bitch-ass performance like that, your prediction may be accurate.

Very little in this life is permanent - Neither the good or the bad things. You can change things if you want to. Do a little honest self-analysis and try to figure out what you need to change if you don’t want to remain single. Ask a friend (not a coworker) who will be honest with you about this… Being single is not the worse thing you can be, but I do understand that most of us want and need love and romantic relationships. Make sure your expectations of a potential partner are realistic. Some people have such unrealistic and detailed expectations about a prospective partner that they don’t see the people around them who might actually be a good potential partner. Don’t try to jump right to sex and romance in the beginnings of a relationship, be a friend first and find things that you both enjoy when you do find someone. If it’s in the cards, the rest will follow.