By tbalboa - 01/07/2011 17:27 - United States

Today, a cop pulled me over and started bitching me out. He was certain I'd been drinking, because, "Nobody goes to Albertacos this late at night unless they're drunk." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 756
You deserved it 3 280

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've noticed that you don't ever deny being drunk. That must mean that: A) You really were drunk or B) You were high and had the munchies. So which was it?

iAmScrubs 19

And after he ticketed you, he probably drove his squad car straight towards Albertacos.


I've noticed that you don't ever deny being drunk. That must mean that: A) You really were drunk or B) You were high and had the munchies. So which was it?

jamieleigh_315 0

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Akalia_fml 7

Very good observation, Mr. Doc. Now I want to know; so, which one was it OP?

or he just had a craving for tacos at some odd hour of the night. mmm tacos.

jamieleigh_315 0

an what if the cop wasn't making a joke ?

KingGeorgeGal 12

Wow, that cop is a dick. Hopefully he relized you weren't after taking the breathalyzer test.

DocBastard commented on my FML!! He eventually let me go, I was just hungry...

whybother8 0

wow so ur the op! i never saw an op reply before!

whybother8 0

nvm the op comment got deleted :0

3 & 9, just stop. You're ruining a good thing.

briarisafaggot 0

I think that you're my favorite.

briarisafaggot 0

I think that you're my favorite.

briarisafaggot 0

I think that you're my favorite.

extrovertical 0

Maybe the cop wanted to take the Tacos as "evidence".

TheSnakeDoctor20 17

16 police don't have to give you the breathalyzer, they can just throw you in jail.

ghandilover25 3

Neither man I hate people who are just huge cocks

#94, They can't throw you in jail without probable cause. Just saying they thought op was drunk isn't good enough.

RabidBunny 10

The officer was just concerned. It was way past your bed time :D

just a though, but don't some people also work nights or odd hours and take lunch breaks or go home at weird times? c'mon police men have to work that late, obviously they aren't all on something when they need their jelly donut fix at 2am (seems to be the time around here at least)

iAmScrubs 19

And after he ticketed you, he probably drove his squad car straight towards Albertacos.

Agreed, cops are 95% of the time judgmental assholes.

or he just had a craving for tacos at some odd hour of the night. mmm tacos.

and then he breathalyzer tested you and you went on your merry way? thi isn't really a fml...

iAmScrubs 19

You only think it isn't because you are making assumptions that would lead it to not be one.

That sounds like the Whataburger where I live. Although I have no idea why anyone in their right mind would eat at Whataburger unless they're drunk or high anyway.

What's is awesome!! You probably don't like it cause you can't afford it! sorry!!

evilsea666 0

he is neither. being drunk or high don't really matter, I reckon. must be retarded. Whataburger is good anytime.

supermankisses 1

The honey butter chicken sandwich is only served 11pm-11am...

enonymous 8

I have to agree Albertacos sounds like a town based on "the hills have eyes" or deliverance

A7X_LoVeee 10

The hills have eyes was wack.

As far as i know Albertacos is only in So cal. I know because three of them are in my area