By again? - 15/03/2016 10:03 - United States - Olympia

Today, while making love to my boyfriend, I noticed that instead of looking at me, he was admiring himself in the mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 414
You deserved it 2 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could he not be looking at you in the mirror as well?

Hmm....maybe he wants to see his ****** face idk


It's a weird feeling noticing yourself getting fatter in the mirror while ******* someone . Because you know you can't be THAT unattractive if you're still getting some . Talk about cognitive dissonance

With a name again this has to be common...perhaps but a poster in the place or take it down in the future...

bryce0110 23

You're dating either Kanye West or Donald Trump, I'm sorry to say.

highly probable that he was watching both of you. watching him shag you was probably awesome for him. it's like ****, but live, and he was the star, and you the starlet.

andrmac 25

It's kinda a guy thing to see themselves, and you as being a great image of recreating the **** perspective with you both being the stars. I wouldn't take it personal.

I do that sometimes. I turn myself of and my husband and I have better sex coz of it

Don't be too concerned. Lots of guys like to watch themselves have sex.

Every guy does that it's like a real life ****... Ha