By search_me - 16/07/2009 23:39 - United States

Today, while going through airport security the lady asked why I folded everything so small. I said that I was going away for a month and needed to fit a lot of stuff in only one bag. She smiled, nodded and then dumped my luggage to search for "drugs and other illegal teen things." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 968
You deserved it 3 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bah, the profiling system gets on my nerves :P

If it was a man, you could've said, "Because I needed to make room for my tampons."


You do realize that it doesn't mater how u fold it right. It still takes up the same amount of space you idiot!

LemonLolly 10

I hate the stereotype about teens doing illegal things.

Oh dear god, leave it to south carolina to pull some shit like this. (As a native charlestoner, I am well within my rights to say this.)