Lose the boyfriend, not the weight

By Amanda G Rich - 25/11/2020 02:02

Today, yet again. my boyfriend told me I'm getting fat, even after I told him to stop and that it's affecting my mental health. I had an eating disorder previously, and now I'm thinking about going back to just eating an apple a day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 268
You deserved it 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know of a way you can lose a couple hundred pounds without altering your diet. Ditch the insensitive turd you call a boyfriend.

Your boyfriend can eat shit. Kick him out of your life.


I know of a way you can lose a couple hundred pounds without altering your diet. Ditch the insensitive turd you call a boyfriend.

Your boyfriend can eat shit. Kick him out of your life.

Ugh, scatophagia is an even worse eating disorder than anorexia.

Dump him now!! Also, insult his dick or his technique in the sack. Is that Petty? Yes. Will it feel great? Absolutely!!

phybreawptic 13

No matter how thin you make a pancake, there's two sides. I'd be interested in both sides of this story.

My pancakes have four sides. People come from miles around to enjoy my tetrahedral treats!

samomaha 17
xxlk4xx 6

lose the shitty boyfriend, not your weight! you deserve to be happy and love yourself and he is standing in the way of that!

Rydiel 11

I mean you obviously shouldnt go back to just eating an apple a day, but theres nothing wrong with staying healthy, maybe just exercise? and obviously if he's just being a dick then dump him, that being said without more info we don't know if hes being a dick about it or if him just bringing it up makes him a douche.

Rydiel 11

yeah which i said would be unhealthy and suggested instead if she was having problems that exercise is a great option rather then only eating one apple

coius 23

Exercise doesn’t make you lose weight. I’ve found that out after exercising 2 years and not losing a pound. Once I cut sugar and most carbs out of my diet (i still occasionally had some beer), it dropped off like a rock from a cliff. I lost 80lbs by changing my diet, and not a bit of exercise was done in that time.

Lolamae 9

He’s trying to undermine you in order to control you. This is psychological abuse. Dump him.

Lydmyers 9

Yes you DO need to lose weight. Get rid of the dead weight that this this guy, thinking he can treat you like that. You deserve SO much better. You deserve to be happy, and have someone who appreciates you.