By Protectress - 23/08/2011 06:50 - United States

Today, while going around trying to find a job, a manager came up to ask me, "Are you looking to work here?" I nodded happily, hoping this would be the end of my search. She looked me up and down, saw I had a jacket on to hide my tattoos and said, "Sorry, I can't hire heroin addicts." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 185
You deserved it 10 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stereotypical much? Wow, that would be a shitty manager to work for...

ramboman19 8

That is rude for her to assume you're a drug addict because of tattoos. Some tattooed people I know are the nicest and best workers ever.


You felt the need to cover your very visible tattoos with a jacket during summer. Next time you see that need, use a piece of clothing that will enhance your professional appearance. NOT one that will encourage potential employers to make bad assumptions about what you may be hiding.

Did you at least put that moron in their place with some kind of retort or did you just take it like a bitch?

way to get profiled people only look at the outside of a person not what they need to.

Panda_Bearr 0

You should have gone and bought a needle and ask if they wanted to share :3

chevysdime92 3

Should've said "well I see they hired a complete and total bitch"

That is practically racist addicts work just as well or as bad as anyone else.

I understood that the point in this FML is the jacket, not the tattoos. BTW, tattoos are unprofessional? In 2011? Really? Now I'm sad :(

leadman1989 15

The messed up part is that these are the same people that had no problem believing that someone could tell a stripper just by buying with small bills. She could have been a bartender or waitress. And if she was a stripper so what they're people too. What was the FML again? :p

Tattoos that show are unprofessional, even in the military you have to get waivers if you have tattoos on the face, neck, or hands and want to join. If you look at the career ladder the amount of tattoos decrease as you get higher. The key to getting hired somewhere is to speak properly, and not have any sort of physical deviation such as piercings or tattoos. With the economy being the way it is, where you have people with master degrees working at McDonalds or waiting tables; yes employers with lower wage jobs can afford to be choosy and hire someone who fits with their corporate edict. Many of those who disagree with me, when you graduate high school, move out of your parents home and have to support yourselves in the real world will see I'm right.

CoffeeZ 0

#151, i could have tried all day, and wouldn't have put it better. It may be accepted more, but that does not change the fact that it looks unprofessional.

ReynshineCutting 10

Yay common sense people! And for those people who think it's not unprofessional you can think that until you're blue in the face but when an employer refuses to hire you because of your tattoos maybe you'll think twice about it b