
By WadStakk - 08/10/2021 23:00

Today, I found out that my 15-year-old daughter, who always acts so sweet, is antagonizing a 24 year-old woman via social media regarding her boyfriend, whom my daughter is *likely* having sex with. I thought she was the purest sweetest thing and she always has a believable excuse for times unaccounted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 629
You deserved it 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So your daughter is being groomed and molested by some grown woman's boyfriend, and your daughter is being a teenager by antagonizing this woman, and your problem here is your daughter? And not the grown adult male that has been knowingly sleeping with a child? Who cares whether or not your teenager is acting like a snotty teen, she's being abused by an adult.

WadStakk 20

Very agree- I was reacting from a serious *WTF* moment when I posted this… but yes. Law enforcement have absolutely since been involved


So your daughter is being groomed and molested by some grown woman's boyfriend, and your daughter is being a teenager by antagonizing this woman, and your problem here is your daughter? And not the grown adult male that has been knowingly sleeping with a child? Who cares whether or not your teenager is acting like a snotty teen, she's being abused by an adult.

We dont know how old the boyfriend is though. He could very well be a teenager like the Op’s daughter.

WadStakk 20

Very agree- I was reacting from a serious *WTF* moment when I posted this… but yes. Law enforcement have absolutely since been involved

We know the woman is 24, and the daughter is fifteen. Regardless of the age of the boyfriend, this is ****** up. The only way it would be okay for the daughter to be with this dude is if he is sixteen, maybe seventeen. Then we're talking about a grown woman who is grooming a child, and is mad that said child is interested in, wait for it, other children. Maybe the boyfriend is 18 or 19. Now we have a gross dude, and his gross girlfriend. Maybe the boyfriend is 20 or older. Now we just have a gross dude and a woman who is mad at the wrong person. There is no way this is okay, period.

Glitterbaby2613 20
Hailstorm92 12

bury him up to his head cover in honey in a field of fire ants. Probably beat my daughters ass too if not turn her into a nun

WadStakk 20

Thank you all so much for answering this – it scared me so much is why I posted… Turned out, my ex-husband’s new fiancé (& i guess that means step mommy City!) , who really played as involved deeply for all the right reasons- alarm-messaged me with a lot of scary info but in the end fell short on *which of these girls* did this … I dealt with it delicately and peacefully, she will never believe anything else but I know the truth – life is hard and we all work through it and however it comes! But OHHH thank God when i really saw the girl and knew… ahhh

WadStakk 20

I cannot be the first person to do this but… Can I say in all capital letters … I DESERVED IT!!

WadStakk 20

I cannot be the first person to do this but. Can I say in all capital letters .. I DESERVED ITII