By wheezy - 03/12/2013 17:28 - United States - Bay Springs

Today, while giving speech in class, I choked on my own spit and had a coughing fit while everyone stared at me intently. When I finally regained my composure, my teacher told me my time was up and to sit down. I hadn't even got finished the first paragraph. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 917
You deserved it 4 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh wow that exact same thing happened to me in 11th grade when I was forced to give a speech. Ask your teacher if you can redo it. Maybe she'll be willing to let you try again

It might be terrible to practice, but public speaking is a very essential and useful skill.


Axel5238 29

Unfortunately, this seems harsh but it is preparing you for giving a speech. Stuff does happen, but most teachers will not give second chances because they are trying to prepare you for not having a second chance. You are expected to have any notes composed and be ready to deliver with almost no interruptions. I had a terrible time giving speeches when I was younger, but my teachers were never easy there were no second chances. I eventually, got very good at giving speeches, but that's how it is.

With grammar like that, it's a good thing you didn't get to finish.

ZomBSlayR 12

"Hadn't even got..." It's a good thing you didn't read your paper, with grammar like that !!