By puppylove - 20/10/2012 07:16 - United States

Today, while driving with my puppy in the passenger seat, he jumped out of the window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 791
You deserved it 28 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you stopped the car and went after him.

You deserve it. I don't understand why people think it is okay to open the window big enough for pets to get out. And don't you know how dangerous escaping pet is to other drivers on the road?


My dog jumped out the back of my truck when he was puppy and he badly broke his leg

Why on earth was he free in the back of a truck??? I'm guessing ur American?

unknown_user5566 26

70- Shut the **** up with this "You were irresponsible? You must be American!" bullshit. It's seriously idiotic, and makes you look unbelievably ignorant.

When I was little, my dad had a jeep. One day we picked up the dog with the top down after the groomer gave him a stupid looking haircut. We laughed. He got loose from the doggie seat belt and jumped out. He was fine. I learned from that, even if the dog is properly restrained in the car, to leave tops up and windows not fully down. I don't let my dog pit his head out of the window either. Too many cases of debris damaging their eyes.

Bahahaha , thats so funny. You went after him right !!?

ViviMage 38

You realize in some states that is illegal? They need to be crated it buckled in

perdix 29

Dogs are mans' best friend. If your best friend chose to end it over going on with you, you might want to consider a personality upgrade. Consider tying a porkchop around your neck. My parents did that got me to get the dog to play with me.

People like you shouldn't own animals & definitely not allowed to have children.

when your the vet tech that has to watch the patient under anesthesia, as the Dr put it's back together, you'll understand my original comment