By Sloppy Cashmere - 09/05/2016 21:26 - United States - Bemidji

Today, I visited a waterpark with friends. At one point, a woman floating near me suddenly says to me, "How are you doing, honey?" Instinctively, I replied, "I'm well". The woman gave me a strange look and I turned around to find she was talking to her child directly behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 876
You deserved it 1 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Happens to all of us, OP. I'm sure she understood!

Symantha23 25

Hahaha stuff like this happens to me all the time! Don't feel bad OP!


Happens to all of us, OP. I'm sure she understood!

Similar to calling your teacher, "mom."

No no. That's much much worse in my opinion.

I've done that before. Thank god no one noticed

I've had worse, once I accidentally called my female teacher dad...

In 5 minutes I said my dogs name: Mao, to my mum, mum to my dog, grand mum to my dad... And hello to a mental hospital

Symantha23 25

Hahaha stuff like this happens to me all the time! Don't feel bad OP!

just like when you're a child in a store with your parents and walk up to random lady and hug her leg bc you think it's your mom

Oh my goodness. I have a vivid memory of something similar. We were at a toy shop and someone who I thought was my sister was looking at the catdog toys. I shouted out "ooooooh I love catdog!" and went to take the toy from her. Then they looked at me like I was crazy for a second and then just laughed. I looked over to see my family was on the other side of the shop about to leave and motioning toward me to follow. I was mortified.

I still remember doing that to someone when I was really young (probably around 4 yrs old). We were at church and there was a lot of people around and I turned and grabbed onto, what I thought, was my moms leg, only to look up and realize it wasn't her. I was so embarrassed. Weird how that can embarrass us enough that we remember it years later.

Play it off as if you did it on purpose next time. All about exuding confidence :p

Just keep the conversation going next time.

I feel like everyone goes through this at least a billion times in their lives. Doesn't make it any less embarrassing, rip the dream op

I would have started cracking up at my mistake.

In this day in age, where everyone has cell phones and bluetooth, you would think people would start looking before they speak.... or maybe that's just me considering every comment is along the lines of "Happens to me all the time". I feel so alone...