By stillwaiting - 09/03/2009 20:48 - United States

Today, my mom called and told me I got accepted to my first-choice college. I got really excited and asked her to read me the letter. As she started to read it, she said, "Oops... uh, nevermind." FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 492
You deserved it 3 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I may be wrong but don't rejection letts come in a small envelope as opposed to a larger envelope if your accepted, mine did anyways.

PhishloverA 14

Yeah you don't get into college just based on your grades and your GPA. People you know can also get you into college believe it or not.


panda24 0

I may be wrong but don't rejection letts come in a small envelope as opposed to a larger envelope if your accepted, mine did anyways.

eh. I only got into 2/5 colleges i applied to, even though i had a good GPA and really good SAT scores. It's not really an FML but still sucks. Good luck on your other applications.

PhishloverA 14

Yeah you don't get into college just based on your grades and your GPA. People you know can also get you into college believe it or not.

yeah my grandpa is going to get my brother into boden to bad he's 95 and im far away from college.

meddude 0

oh wow i'm sorry. that totally sucks. #3: actually my acceptance to my college was in a small envelope. every college is different.

Ibeapirate 0

Who the hell mistakes a rejection letter for an acceptance letter??? Did she READ it before she called you?? Sorry, but that's really dumb.

At least one of my rejection letters came in a bigger packet. I had thought i was accepted at first. like #5 said, every college is different.

She shouldn't have told you that you got in until she was 100% sure, I'm so sorry. I made sure I told my mom to not even tell me I had mail until I went home and checked for myself, I didn't trust her to open them up and call me haha. Not everyone gets into their first choice schools, there will be other ones out there for you!

Yeah, which really sucks if it's perfect for what you want to do. I'm going to be going to school to become a pilot. I didn't apply to my first-choice school because I found an easier college to get into that still has a flight program. I'm not trying to brag, but that's the first school I applied to and I got in. I wasn't supposed to get the letter until March 1. I don't know why they sent it early

if your mother is any indication, college may be a dream too much to attain. community college FTW