By CloroxDoggo - 24/11/2016 00:23 - United States

Today, I was meeting up with a friend in a town. He said he was at the restaurant we were going to meet at; I was too. Turns out I was in the wrong town. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 389
You deserved it 2 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so huge a mistake that it's really nothing short of impressive. honestly, bravo.

It always impresses me how people fail to communicate properly. Sorry but YDI for lack of communication.


bruhhhhhhh 14

I don't even know how I could make a pun out of this one

Shadowvoid 33

That town wasn't big enough for the two of them. Something along those lines, as opposed to making a terrible "first" type comment.

so huge a mistake that it's really nothing short of impressive. honestly, bravo.

If only my math teacher thought the way you did!

Yeah... I've done that a time or two. Could make a good story someday!

It's happened to me in the same town! Neither one of us knew of the other restaurant

It always impresses me how people fail to communicate properly. Sorry but YDI for lack of communication.

drayloon 50

Question is, were the towns nearby, or in a different state? I once bought movie tickets online for a theater in a different state that happened to have the same name as my local one. Never trusting Fandango again...

I used to live in a town that had a city right next to it with the same name. There was also a street in the city that was the same as my street. You can imagine the mailman's confusion when he couldn't find my house number on the street in the city.

Miscommunication caused by generalization. Classic.

You gotta be more specific than McDonald's.

fragmen52 18

I've done it before, there were two of the same restaurants about equal distance from the both of us and we both assumed different restaurants.

I could understand some confusion, your friend said NY and you are thinking LA. Happens all the time.,

I guess you're town on your luck... Sorry. I'll show myself out