By (-__- ) ( ^.^) - 11/10/2013 21:00 - United States - Minneapolis

Today, trying to be romantic, I started coming on to my wife while in bed, only for her to yet again say she wasn't in the mood. When I asked why she never is lately, she sarcastically blamed it on the government shutdown, then rolled over to go to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 995
You deserved it 6 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Man, errbody gettin cockblocked by the government...

raininginseattle 9

Congrats #2. You must be getting screwed by the government instead.


beachygirl24 13

Everyone is busy talking about the shutdown while my first thought was, " What a creative and cute username!" :)

tayrex77 3

she is probably turned off by you now. have you gained weight? are you losing your hair? are you not appreciating her like you used to? maybe try some romance, like dinner and a movie? I think she may just getting to that point in the relationship?

Evil_Wench 16

Wow, how shallow do you think women are? It'd take more than a little weight gain/hair loss to turn me off of my bloke. OP: sounds like you need to have a talk with her. She has every right to refuse, but she doesn't need to be a bitch about it.

someone has been reading the Onion lately.

I can't speak for all women in the world, However, in my experience as a woman, usually if I'm not interested in sex it's usually because I'm not getting an ****** or anywhere near. Who wants to be constantly disappointed? Especially as a result of sex... I'm not assuming that's the problem with OP and his wife but if it is then he needs to complain less and start focusing on learning how to get her off. If that's not the problem and she's consistently turning him down then there needs to be a serious conversation b/c sex can't make a relationship but it can break one. Actually, either way there needs to be a conversation.

monnanon 13

i find that when i turn down sex its because i dont want sex. theres no big reason behind it i just dont want it. im not depressed, annoyed at my spouse, unfufilled in bed or cheating sometimes i just dont wqnt have sex.

#119 Don't expect your man to do all the work. Tell him what you like and how you get an ****** when doing it solo.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

#123 Neither side should do more work than the other. Both sides are at fault because OP's wife isn't talking and neither is OP. #1 rule for a great relationship is communication, and that's obviously missing here.

When I turn down sex, it's usually because I'm just not horny. Maybe she has some kind of hormone imbalance that's interfering with her sex drive or maybe she's going through menopause? When I was on birth control it messed up my hormones so bad I never wanted to have sex. Even with foreplay, I just could not enjoy it.

Maybe she feels like the man is just sticking it to her in more ways than one. In both cases a conversation may be all that's necessary.

She's lying. Just go to sleep and get a good nights rest and try again later.

skyeyez9 24

If she was already asleep, waking her up cause you're horny can be annoying. Or during the day you do things that irritate her: not cleaning up after yourself, not helping with the kids, or not helping around the house. Make her do all the work and she is now tired, and you expect sex afterwards.

Then that's what she should be saying, instead of apparently expecting her husband to be psychic? There's nothing wrong with not being in the mood for sex. There's nothing wrong with being tired, or being frustrated by your spouse's actions during the day (or night). However, you're adults, not children. Communicate! Tell him, "I'm sorry, I'm just not in the mood right now." or "I'm tired." or "I'm a bit frustrated with you right now, you haven't done the laundry all week, and I've made dinner every day after work." Don't say, "If you don't know I'm not going to tell you." or anything of that ilk. Don't give the silent treatment and then get annoyed when they get annoyed. Communication is important. When things don't get talked about (even little things like chores, etc) they fester until BIG arguments happen.