By Sofi - 21/08/2018 06:00

Today, I canceled going to a party with my sisters because I had a secret plan to have a threesome. They left for the party, but soon returned thinking it would be no fun without me. By then we were already making a lot of indecent noise. They heard it all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 228
You deserved it 2 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you know what they say, " two is a crowd, three is a party. " Technically you went to a party anyway.

Usually, it's better to be seen, and not heard, but your case is an exception.


Usually, it's better to be seen, and not heard, but your case is an exception.


You are obviously the life of the party.

They were right. You obviously are the fun one! Did you have two other guys, or a guy and a girl? Or two other girls?

joeyl2008 29

The threesome was actually with her left hand and her right hand.

Mungolikecandy 19

As long as it is not with a goat and a donkey who cares.

Well you know what they say, " two is a crowd, three is a party. " Technically you went to a party anyway.

I'm sorry, I'm not seeing an FML anywhere in this post. Sounds like you have super cool sisters that like spending time with you and you had a threesome. Sounds awesome to me. Who cares if they heard you enjoying some time with other people, it happens. Nothing weird about having sex.

fde2blknimout 18

This website won’t allow true responses. So. You are a good decent person!

So you got to have a 3-way and hang out with your sisters all in the same day? I don't see a problem unless this is like that old **** movie called Taboo.

Mortoli 30

lucky lol. add 3 more to enjoy? lol