By Debra - 14/05/2018 13:00 - United States - Bloomington

Today, I had the class clown of my preschoolers oversleep our daily 15-minute nap. Not wanting to spare any more class time on his disrupting jokes, I let the headache sleep. After another 10 minutes we called an ambulance. He had a stroke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 004
You deserved it 1 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ChromoTec 24

Just so you know, this wasn't your fault. Typically there are little to no signs of a stroke before it happens. And to a kindergartener? Practically unheard of.

Well the little headache probably has a big one now. Sorry to hear about thay OP, not your fault.


ChromoTec 24

Just so you know, this wasn't your fault. Typically there are little to no signs of a stroke before it happens. And to a kindergartener? Practically unheard of.

White Trash 10

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Well the little headache probably has a big one now. Sorry to hear about thay OP, not your fault.

That’s a very unlucky fluke. I was that kind of student. My teachers would give me pillows and warm milk. In college.

manb91uk 22

This does not surprise me in the slightest..

i really hope the parents aren’t blaming you! we’re gonna need an update, please!!!

indienerdgirl 27

You had no way of knowing. I'd assume this happens so rarely with young kids especially his age. I hope you're not blaming yourself because any teacher might've done the same with a class clown just to have a few minutes of peace. Please update us on what happened!

bobsanction 18

Well that's pretty unexpected.

thatslifeiguess7 16

This needs an update. Did he have a seizure disorder? Cerbal Palsy? FML for him and his parents

boopingsnoot 24

Sometimes, a clot can travel from a mundane bruise... there are so many risk factors but it can happen to anyone :(

DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF. At all, There's NO WAY you could have known. Good on you for checking after 10 minutes though. Take it easy on yourself. My sons preschool teacher lets mine sleep a bit extra too if they don't wake with the hustle of the classroom waking. Its absolutely normal!

Lobby_Bee 17

Is that what they call old people nowadays? Preschoolers?