By brick - 14/05/2018 10:00 - United States - Geneva

Today, I went to sleep at 7am. I learned once that Indians used to drink tons of water before bed to force themselves awake so I did that in case my alarm (which I hooked up to my speakers) didn't work. The alarm worked, but the shock of the blasting sound made me pee my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 128
You deserved it 3 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could have, I don't know, tested the alarm before using it the next morning. Like, set it for 1 minute and see if it worked? Just throwing ideas out here.

Well, that was a failure. Time to switch to Plan P.


Well, that was a failure. Time to switch to Plan P.

manb91uk 22

I guess you pissed the bed on that one!

So it worked? Try just using two alarms next time.

ChromoTec 24

I don't get why so many people are putting "you deserved it"

You could have, I don't know, tested the alarm before using it the next morning. Like, set it for 1 minute and see if it worked? Just throwing ideas out here.

Lobby_Bee 17

You don't need to drink tons, just a glass or two will do.

FFAce 11

Lmao you deserved that for believing in stupid myths

PenguinPal3017 19

At least you didn't set fire to your family's Christmas presents.

Did this happened the same day you put on your boxers backward?

boopingsnoot 24

I remember an old FML from a guy who tried the same thing. Alarm went off, he ran for the bathroom, knocked himself unconscious against the doorjamb, and pissed himself.