By babyblues - 20/11/2012 19:45 - United States - Woodhaven

Today, this guy I've been dating for a few months freaked out and called his mom crying, because I told him I might be pregnant with his baby. He is 27. I haven't even taken a pregnancy test yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 891
You deserved it 30 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You said you were only dating for a few months. I'd be freaking out, too.


You might be pregnant and you've been dating A FEW MONTHS?

You dumb ****. You take a test or see a doctor, THEN tell him. No sympathy for you man.

Even though it takes two to tango, the fact that you've been dating for a few months & you might be pregnant... YDI in every way possible. Birth control is a good thing.

shantel87 0

Weird, my husband is in the same situation

graphicstyle7 17

That was really inconsiderate of you to tell a guy you had only seen a few months that you may be pregnant with his kid before you knew for sure. Also, birth control? Grow up. And if you are pregnant, have it and give it away... you are certainly too immature to be a parent.

Where does it say she used birth control?

Toriaraekay 1

Why would it be a YDI? She didn't do the babymaking by herself, maybe she wanted some support while she took the pregnancy test. I don't think it would be fair for her to have to keep it a secret and suffer through the worry alone, just so she doesn't worry him if it turns out she isn't pregnant after all. He did his part making the baby, he should go through the stress with her

Toriaraekay 1

Have ya'll forget it takes two to tango, why shouldn't she tell him? If she isn't pregnant, then it'll teach them both to use protection more vigilantly.