By Anonymous - 21/03/2013 10:43 - United States - Kalamazoo

Today, there was a new girl in one of my classes. We both corrected a classmate on his grammar, so, trying to make a new friend, I leaned back to her and said, "Haha, fellow Grammar Nazi?" She gave me a disgusted look and told me she was Jewish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 336
You deserved it 21 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

expertsmilee 26

Then she obviously has no sense of humour. There's no better revenge than taking a derogatory term and turning it around.


What I'm wondering is if you actually said "haha" or if you just laughed...

Ranchtastic 4

"Grammar nazi" is just a funny expression. That girl needs to get her head out of her ass.

Okay one ts clear you didn't know she was Jewish and two if she doesn't get its a joke she's not worth your time as long as you didn't say something like Hitler had the right idea in getting rid of the Jews or something you were not being offensive and she's an idiot I don't take offence at people who say they're really Irish adopted when they down liquor easily because I know its a joke although my Irish cousins may think otherwise

You had no way of knowing. I wouldn't feel too bad.

unixdude 9

"Really? Well me dad is a commercial oven salesman. Hey, wanna go out sometime?"

This is precisely why I dislike "Grammar Nazi" and have sought an alternative for a long time. "Grammar Troll" is the best thing I have heard so far.

Judging by some of the callous comments, I'd say the Jewish girl is the only one truly educated about the Holocaust. I'm dumbfounded that anyone with the capacity to empathise with another human being could make some of the remarks in these comment threads. I'm hoping it's ignorance and not hatred that's behind them.

Amishanthony 6

You know the Nazis killed more than just "Jews" but everyone else let it go because war is a part of life. I guess they need to coast off of something for political reasons or else what else would their anti defamation league do?

Guys, guys. These Nazi jokes are getting out of mein kampfort zone.