By Anonymous - 21/03/2013 10:43 - United States - Kalamazoo

Today, there was a new girl in one of my classes. We both corrected a classmate on his grammar, so, trying to make a new friend, I leaned back to her and said, "Haha, fellow Grammar Nazi?" She gave me a disgusted look and told me she was Jewish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 336
You deserved it 21 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

expertsmilee 26

Then she obviously has no sense of humour. There's no better revenge than taking a derogatory term and turning it around.


armybrat020 2

That happened a long time ago. I live in Germany and most Germans are horrified with what happened. So, if she has no sense of humor, that's not your fault... honestly.

Grayscale_Wolf 9

@#205 "If she doens't have a sense of humor over a common term, doesn't sound like someone you'd want to bother being friends with." The point is, it's offensive, and should NOT be a "common term". "Bother being friends with" What the ****? Do you think friendship is something to "bother" with? Sounds like you've got no friends, there, son! The reason the term "Grammar Nazi" is offensive is because: 1. Genocide=/= Correcting someones grammar 2. I'm pretty sure a person who has correct grammar isn't going to kill countless millions of people just because they have bad grammar.

Ah those jews... No sense of humor...

Careycaryn1997 17

I hate when people say grammar nazi cause I am Jewish but u weren't saying it in a mean way right?

Oooooooh... So much for getting a new friend. Better luck next time.

Though you meant no harm, you do deserve it for using the term Nazi so openly.

I'm Jewish also but I think that's funny and would of laughed

Common colloquialism. Don't feel bad. I think everyone was offended by the holocaust, even people who use that expression.