By ClumsyDumbsy - 13/10/2018 23:00 - Australia

Today, after two months of lab research, I finally had a day off. I decided to treat myself to gourmet sun-dried tomatoes, as well as some fresh pasta for dinner. I split the entire pot of boiling water down my body and spent nearly 7 hours at the hospital. I also vomited the tomatoes up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 380
You deserved it 293

Top comments

bluhbluhbluh 14

The things we do to avoid paying for a fancy meal...


No use crying over it. Oh wait, that's milk.

darkenedone 27

You're thinking of the previous FML.

7 hours? If you spilled a pot of boiling water over your entire body, that’d be months in the burn unit!

No they send you home, but you have to keep going back so they can peel of your dead skin.

bluhbluhbluh 14

The things we do to avoid paying for a fancy meal...

That's actually one of the saddest things I've ever read, hope you feel better soon

tounces7 27

How? Like how did you get to the point of eating the tomatoes after spilling boiling water on yourself?