By SirPimPim - 14/06/2010 14:32 - Sweden

Today, there was a long queue at the store, and behind me were two senior citizens. I wanted to do a good deed, so I said, "Cut before me in line, I have all the time in the world." My reward? The old man scolded me because I supposedly insinuated that they were old, and only had a short time left to live. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 412
You deserved it 13 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Soon he'll be dead and you'll still be alive. Then you'll have your revenge.

UnprecendentedAw 0

Old people can be asses sometimes. Kudos to you for trying to be nice.


Samantha_baby 0

what does a hotdog taste like?

auttie_girl 0

What jerks! You would think that they would be grateful!

you are so dumb!!!! if I see fat ppl and I'm hungry and see a pizza place and we are in line...I'm just gonna tell them to let me cut coz they look pretty damn full already! You are a good Samaritan but dumb!

lololol ya that is kinda what you said OP

lllmsbrt09 0

well when the old man scolded u did u tell him to go to hell? lol

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

op u kinda deserve that shit saying u have all the time in the whole world like just say u could in front of me end of statement.

The only proper response: "I have terminal cancer, you asshole. I meant I'm not busy today."

Wow YDI dude. You really can piss people off, can't you? ;)

Wow YDI dude. You really can piss people off, can't you? ;)

PYLrulz 17

then senior citizens wonder why young people don't give them respect