By diorlove - 21/01/2010 22:17 - France

Today, I broke my wrist because a Nutella glass fell on it after I opened the cupboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 548
You deserved it 4 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wexou3 3

well, either you have very very fragile bones... or it was a monstrous Nutella glass :-)

That's one heavy nutella glass. I need to get me one of those.


wexou3 3

well, either you have very very fragile bones... or it was a monstrous Nutella glass :-)

Ajjas013 6

That's why I have the plastic Nutella bottle.

loveconverse 0
bugmenotmofo 34

FAKE! Nutella comes in plastic jars, not in glass ones. I don't know what kind of Nutella you were eating.

Actually there is a glass jar version for Nutella.

Ajjas013 6

Very interesting point there. You twisted things around so he would be right... But no matter what, he's still ignorant.

I have a glass jar of nutela in my cupboard. so not all jars are pladtic

Gehehe she should eat more nutella as it contains calcium.

starberries 0

There is something very disturbing about the phrase "pussy bones".

sk8rchick97 0

lol from jersey shore... Vinny goes hey Canadian girl! did u know u guys make nutella??? lmaoo

That's one heavy nutella glass. I need to get me one of those.

isitofficial_ 0

well, you couldve bought the ones in plastic jars. (I live in Australia so I dont know if you got them or not)

i live in america and my nutella bottle is plastic, so idk where the hell he comes from. XP

InnuendoQueen 0

Britain? We have glass and plastic. I tend to buy plastic because I'm clumsy and if I have glass I'm all like "Oh it's heavy there must be loads left"

trizdan 0

Doesn't it say: "Made in Italy"??

thesunsetglow_fml 8

In Canada we have both plastic and glass jars of Nutella. The glass ones are typically smaller and plastic ones are various sizes (in my experience anyways).

insertnameherr 11

You both sicken me. Nutella is some great shit.

OMG!!!!!!! Nutella wasted????? This is a tragedyyyyyyy!