By NVflood17 - 17/01/2017 08:00

Today, there's lethal flooding in the Reno area, with all roads to my work closed and flooded. My boss still expects me to drive through it, in the dark, to work at 6am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 105
You deserved it 449

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LostInTheZone11 29

<p>How does he expect you to do that? Flag down a passing Coast Guard boat?&nbsp;</p>

amileah13 26

But I bet HE would be staying home then because it's too dangerous for HIM to drive through it.


LostInTheZone11 29

<p>How does he expect you to do that? Flag down a passing Coast Guard boat?&nbsp;</p>

amileah13 26

But I bet HE would be staying home then because it's too dangerous for HIM to drive through it.

Your boss sounds like a huge douchebag. Let his ass get wet and possibly killed if he wants to go to work so badly.

laceyloves2travel 0

Haha do you work for American Airlines in Reno because our boss expected the same.

laceyloves2travel 0

Do you work for American Airlines in Reno because our boss expected the same.

I have family in Reno, I used to live there myself. Awful stuff happening there right now. Stay safe OP, be careful.

It's 3 am, I've been up with my fussy baby since 6am yesterday and the first 3 times I read this my exhausted brain thought it said that there was lethal flooring in the reno(vation) area.

<p>No point in working or having a job if you're dead</p>

jcash52426 5

If the roads are that bad wouldn't there be a state of emergency (when no on is allowed out do to safety reason) if there is then it illegal for him to ask you to come to work and he would be responsible if happen to you if you did. The best you can do is do what work you can from your house.