Early warning

By SamAaron502 - 29/10/2015 10:16 - United States - Saint Peters

Today, I woke up at 3 a.m. to get ready for a "fun work retreat". After driving 2 hours to the site, I find that nobody's there. After about half an hour standing there freezing, I get an email from my boss, telling me that, "It's canceled due to bad weather." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 397
You deserved it 1 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MxAxRxCxO 30

It's possible there was a message beforehand you were not made aware of, based on the fact no coworkers were there. That, or they were just smart enough to just stay home!


MxAxRxCxO 30

It's possible there was a message beforehand you were not made aware of, based on the fact no coworkers were there. That, or they were just smart enough to just stay home!

At least you have the entire day to do nothing!

That sucks OP, hope you got an extra cookie for the trouble.

Psycocharger 19

Bad communication, sorry for you OP!!!

I believe most companies hold fun work retreats after their oxymoron seminars.

Who schedules a "fun work retreat" that early?!

skyttlz 32

It probably started around 7 or 8 AM since there was a 2 hour drive

That would've been nice to know the night before or something.

afisxfallxchild 9

Why wouldn't you just wait in your car?