By Shalamar - 15/12/2009 01:30 - Canada

Today, the new guy at work - who is probably at least ten years older than I am - admired the photo on my desk of myself with my husband and teenage daughters and asked, "Are those your grandchildren?" I'm in my 40's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 335
You deserved it 2 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could be a grandma in your 40s but unlikely to teenagers... Maybe they just look young?

mahabuddha 0

Would people stop using "myself" to sound more business like. You are using incorrectly. Your sentence should read, "...admired the photo of ME, my husband and my teenage daughters..." Myself is a reflexive pronoun such as "I kicked the ball MYSELF."


JimmySyxx 3

I agree with you about the use of myself but the sentence should read my husband, my teenage daughters and I.

Why not have them young at least you aren't so old that you can't enjoy doing things with them as they grow my kids and I had alot of fun sledding playing football fishing camping hiking bike riding and a heck of a lot more then older parents who don't have time for thier kids

Not a big deal, really. Narcissism: the main reason 90% of people on this site think their lives suck.

savage93 11

No comment should ever be that long.

My parents are in their 40s and have grandchildren.

My parents are in their late 30s and I have kids, what's your point. Granted they are 2 and six months.

My mom's 43 and has 3 grandchildren from my eldest sister who just turned 24. Granted, the oldest is 2 years old, but still, very possible to be a grandmother in your 40's