By Anonymous - 06/09/2013 20:36

Today, the mother of one of my students bitched me out about her son's poor grades. He lazes around all day, paying no attention and being a constant nuisance. But, she says it's not his fault, and demands that I give him better grades so he won't get "self-esteem" issues. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 170
You deserved it 3 449

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You ought to tell her better parenting will help him with his self esteem not lying so he can pass school

rachaelb07 6

Parents are the worst part of teaching.


It used to be, you get a bad grade it's your fault. Now it's, you get a bad grade it's the teachers fault.

I'd have given her all his assignments and told her your son is a joke.

Please tell me you slapped her so the her son cried

You being a teacher should have enough common sense that everything you just stated about that child shows signs of a child that has ADHD or ADD. Additionally, teachers are required to complete professional courses in classroom management and teaching methods that prepare them to motivate children and implement an interactive curriculum. What I do believe that parent said to you went more like "please understand he is a little different, can you possibly work a little more with him so that his grades can come up". Not every child learns the same way and unless you have a child with this condition you shouldn't judge. As a professional who is supposed to be nurturing and instructing our future teachers, scientists, lawyers, doctors, nurses, etc you should have a little more respect and educate yourself on dealing with children of this type. If I am not mistaken you should have taken a psychology course as a requirement for obtaining a teaching degree. Which would have helped you understand what you are dealing with but perhaps that day you were being lazy, not paying attention and being a constant nuisance. And teachers want to get paid more.....................FML

Just watch, when this kid drops out of school and becomes a delinquent, his "mother" will the the first one sobbing "Where did I go wrong?"