By thenegatives - 09/10/2014 01:12 - United States - Mckeesport

Today, my son was smart enough to hack the school's computers to change his midterm, but isn't smart enough to actually keep his grades up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 705
You deserved it 4 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might want to look into private school or advanced placement classes, or something along those lines. I'm sure this sounds presumptuous, and I'm sorry for that in advance, but it sounds like his current school situation isn't challenging him enough.

NiceGuysDoWin 21

I tend to agree with #1 on this one. I've known a lot of genius kids in my life. Most of them got horrible grades despite being smarter than anyone around them. A gifted program may be helpful in challenging your child and motivating them to do better.


You might want to look into private school or advanced placement classes, or something along those lines. I'm sure this sounds presumptuous, and I'm sorry for that in advance, but it sounds like his current school situation isn't challenging him enough.

Some kids are really smart but just can't stand academics. Gifted programs could be one way to go but also look at trade courses. My cousin barely scraped by in school and switched to a carpentry course at sixteen. He owns his own handmade furniture business now and the designs he comes up with are amazing. He made me a 3d puzzle when I complained that all the ones in the shops were too easy, took me two weeks to figure it out.

I fully agree with this, my marks at school were not great, but I was bored shitless

I fully agree. They have plenty of programs for kids who really don't give a shit about school, and not enough for the kids who aren't challenged and who are bored. While what he did isn't okay, advanced courses and maybe a better school that will accommodate his needs are possibilities to consider (depending on financial situations).

I agree as well. Sometimes, despite good or bad grades, the work at school is simply not stimulating enough and people get bored. It really sounds like the OP's son, needs some real challenges and if he does maybe he will improve naturally.

What? seriously? You're crazy. OP deserves it for thinking that "hacking" to change a midterm is hard at all. Chances are the password was easy to guess. 99% of all "hackings" done to private citizens or non-government businesses are actually just bad passwords or phishing. OP son just isn't smart. Smarter than whoever made the password tho

Ianamis 6

I agree with one in high school I was bored to **** and passed with decent grades,but I half assed everything I did. I never was challenged hell I am in college right now and I am barely putting effort in and passing just fine and by passing I mean A's and B's. Just my opinion though he needs more of a challenge.

When I was in high school, I would get a book from the library, listen to the first five minutes of each class, then read in the back of the room. I powered through a fantasy novel almost every day. I never did any homework. I would ace every test and bring my grades up to a low C. I'm currently a highly paid computer programmer. ... If it was me, and I had to do it all over again... I'd probably stop wasting so much time with pointless busywork.

I have never understood this mentality. Something not being "challenging enough" for you is the exact opposite of an excuse as to why you didn't do it. I can understand being bored with the pacing of a class as everyone else is caught up to speed, but then just do the work and screw around afterwards. Not doing the work just seems like it would make for even more boredom.

I myself tend to slack in school when the topic is boring (usually because I already know at least 85% of the material in question). A (proper!) private school did me justice after they figured out where I was in each subject.

Thors_Hammer9999 17

my school did that with me....after I failed my freshman year and then bombed outta summer school they tried to put in in Special Ed. but had to give me an IQ test first....and I scored fairly high actually so then the school guidance counselor called me in to talk to me and we had this long discussion about how the classes were all bullshit because it was the same things we'd learned in 8th grade....7th grade...6th grade...5th grade....etc etc etc I mean how many times exactly do have to learn about what nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, many times can we relearn the same thing over and over and over....reading Romeo and Juliet EVERY year for 5 years when most experts agree it's not even close to being Shakespeare's best work is a little over the top.....after that that put me in advanced classes where I could learn new things and I aced my you may be right

I understand your point; however, consider the idea that it's hard to pay close attention to something if you know it already- esp. If it's repetitive. Imagine taking a 6week class on driving or using a phone. It's already 2nd nature and you'd have to do detailed projects on it. That would suck.

I agree since everyone is agreeing.

It's a cockiness thing. I knew how to do it so why should I have to waste my time with dumb shit busy work when I can read instead? Looking back, I really wish I'd switched to AP or gifted (I was already doing honors everything) because when I got to college and had to actually TRY about midway through sophomore year, I had a total meltdown. I recovered, thankfully, but that was a baaaaaddddd time.

I'm one of those kids. I must say that when I went into an honors class it was a horrible decision. But now that I'm at a military academy life is easier because I have structure 24/5 (home on the weekends). Some kids just need that structure. And that's what worked for me. I guess it just varies for each kid.

NiceGuysDoWin 21

I tend to agree with #1 on this one. I've known a lot of genius kids in my life. Most of them got horrible grades despite being smarter than anyone around them. A gifted program may be helpful in challenging your child and motivating them to do better.

i never really got any good grades... was considered a really bad student.. until they conducted this IQ test kinda thing where i got 99.8 percentile including the seniors..

SarahSehhati 40

Einstein is great example :)

You don't have to be smart to hack, plus grades don't always reflect real knowledge, just how well you remember stuff.

Hacking requires a lot of specialised knowledge, this kid could have just gone on the teachers computer using a password he found though, if real hacking was easy everyone would do it.

@7, you'd be surprised. Most schools run on a single network, so if a file is installed on one, it's installed on the whole network. OP's son could easily have installed a keylogger on the network using another student's account as proxy, then logged in using his teachers' accounts and edited the document. It's not rocket science.

#7 Actually, it does not. Most of what these so-called "hackers" do is just using other people's software and ideas. We call them script-kiddies, not real hackers.

Cracking into a server would not be easy. Take into consideration: 1) You must locate remote server. 2) Obtain key information on server, like server brand type of software running etcetera. 3) Exploit or upload backdoor( reverse tcp or similar). 4) Obtain an account that allows editing or gain root depending on the computer. If we are talking about a teachers labtop all the same applies but one could simply use a kiddie script on a disk/ flash drive to have someone else's brilliance auto execute the exploits ... Tough to call with out more knowledge about how or what the kid did ....

Obviously #3 doesn't have any knowledge of hacking, but it's kinda funny because she thinks she's smart and knowledgeable about it.

many ppl misunderstood the word hack..

You have to be a genius to hack. You have to problem solve and figure your way around different obstacles, etc..

Pretty sure he knew he was going to get caught so it didn't really matter.

Sometimes students may go thorough a rough time in school. I'm sure he will eventually bring those grades up

Wicked smart kid. The kind of smart that will go somewhere

im just reply to you to tell you I love your icon thing

Pretty sure your son is smart, he just doesn't have the incentive to study.

Agreed. Sounds like your son is very smart, but a normal kid in the sense that he doesn't like school and doesn't want to try. A lot of smart kids get just ok grades because they don't like school and therefore don't put any effort into it. I understand how people are saying he's bored so try a gifted program so he has a challenge, but in my opinion he won't do any better in a gifted program not because he's not challenged but because he's not interested. I would try things like taking away car privileges (if he's old enough) or possibly grounding him from certain activities until he has completed his homework. He may not see the point in doing homework and getting good grades, but as a parent it's up to you to help make that happen. Knowing he will be allowed the car back, or allowed to go out if he completes his homework is a great incentive!

There are many intelligent people that didn't need to finish school to be successful!

I honestly agree with 11. I know people who are intelligent in certain fields. I always say that college isn't for everyone, even though our country pressures it and its ridiculous cost on everyone.

Actually, the saying is "LOVE of money is the root of all evil." Money itself is not inherently bad, you need a certain amount to survive. It's when someone is willing to set aside their morals and ethics to acquire it that it becomes evil.

orbit 22

"College is for everyone, but not everyone is for college"

16 I disagree that you should choose something based on money. You need to find a balance between what you like and what can make money. Otherwise you'll be rich and miserable.

I completely disagree with 11, 38, & 45. While in past generations it was fairly common/easy for someone to get into a good career without high school or college degrees, the world has changed and it is extremely difficult now. Sure there are the odd exceptions, but the percentage of that happening is extremely slim. It used to be that companies would hire people if they had the skills alone, but now the majority can't get through the door without college on their resumes. There are often 20-30+ people going for the same job and the employers weed them out by merely looking at resumes, no employer is going to look at a resume of someone without a college degree if they have another resume with a college degree beside them.

Good luck with your son. Look into getting him into computer classes that challenge him.

There's different kinds of smart and school grades are seldom a show of someone's intellect