By Anonymous - 06/09/2013 20:36

Today, the mother of one of my students bitched me out about her son's poor grades. He lazes around all day, paying no attention and being a constant nuisance. But, she says it's not his fault, and demands that I give him better grades so he won't get "self-esteem" issues. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 170
You deserved it 3 449

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You ought to tell her better parenting will help him with his self esteem not lying so he can pass school

rachaelb07 6

Parents are the worst part of teaching.


It's his fault isn't it???Hes lazier than me!

Parents like this make me sick. It's important that kids experience failure when they're young so they learn how to rebound from this. I remember a George Carlin bit once where he ripped the whole notion of "self-esteem" completely to shreds & said that "a child will only understand he's a loser when in his 20s, he's fired from his job for being a loser & won't understand why."

Tell her you can't baby him because no college will if he keeps that behavior up

Noir_heart, how do you know of she is doing all this or not? Before making a judgement, maybe ask. My mum is a damn fine teacher and often would come home complaining of these situations when it was her job specifically to find out any learning disabilities and she dealt with the handicapped, mentally and physically. So please, it's good you know your stuff, but don't make judgement over a fml unless you know behind the scenes. That's almost as rude and belligerent as that mom.

Beepbeep7 14

How is it the teachers fault when the parent comes in bitching her out? It's possible that OP has tried and the kid is just a little shit. Also if the parent is that concerned then maybe SHE should take the time to see if her child has a learning disability. It is HER responsibility to take the time with her child. You can't blame everyone else for how your kids turn out. It begins at home.

there is no accountability on children anymore. they will all grow up to be unemployable with all the enabling their parents have done for them

People keep complaining the latest generation is going to be lazy an umemployable because were all self entitled brats. But keep in mind parents like this raise the self entitled brats, you only know what you've learned and your parents are supposed teach you how to work. Raise people not animals!

OP pretty much described how the educational system works in my country, the only difference is we still graduate, even with really bad grades. Man, being a teacher must require a lot of determination to stand these situations plus the shitty salaries, thats why I have a lot of respect for them


And u wonder why America is a joke when it comes to education. Demanding tht ur kid get good grades for self esteem? Tht little brat better start workin hard if he wants that A

godhelpusall111 12

Give him the grades he deserves, don't pay the mother any mind. You only have to deal with them for 9-10 months.

Have you notice when stupid people breed, their kid's retardation is actually doubled? Give him a magic marker to huff.