By nick - 24/12/2010 02:21 - United States

Today, the horn in my car decided to malfunction. It honked continuously for an hour as I drove down the highway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 417
You deserved it 3 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is how to fix things, just ignore it.

hmm let's see... you're on a highway, trying to go somewhere, and your horn malfunctions...are you going to sit there and wait for it to possibly (ahem probably NOT) stop malfunctioning or ate you gonna try to get to where ever you need to go to get it fixed?


ledzeppelinIV 0

same thing happened with our car horn. the lock was screwed up

rety1 13

I don't know if you're stupid or automotively incompetent but the horns are almost always down in the front of the radiator. when it won't stop going off reach down and unplug the wire going to it... lol it won't harm the horns or your car in any way but it will keep it quiet long enough for you to get it checked out..

ugh that happened to me once but it was whenever I would make a turn, the horn would just blare nonstop until I straightened out once more. it sucks and sorry that for you it happened the entire hour FOL haha

megamandude455 10

that happened to one of my cars. it sucks. fyl

I'm all nostalgic for Little Miss Sunshine now.

Sounds, like the movie little miss sunshine