By Anonymous - 11/03/2018 15:00

Today, the girl I thought I was dating introduced me to her boyfriend. We've gone on dates and have slept in the same bed, but it turns out she thought I was her gay best friend and was planning to introduce me to her boyfriend's brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 389
You deserved it 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean if you’d reached the stage of sleeping in each other’s bed but hadn’t kissed yet you should have known something was off...

This is why I recommend explicitly asking if you are in a relationship with them.


This is why I recommend explicitly asking if you are in a relationship with them.

ohsnapword 21

Maybe she heard you telling your dad you were gay so he would let her sleep over.

This is gonna be this week's meta comment

IAmClay 24

I feel like a follow up would be good

I mean if you’d reached the stage of sleeping in each other’s bed but hadn’t kissed yet you should have known something was off...

**** all of the people who think that doing stuff together or sleeping in a bed together means more than just that. At least you were decent enough to not try to get physical.

samomaha 17

Maybe it's time to take advice from Lou Reed and his song, "Take A Walk On The Wild Side"!

So, you’re going to get some action in the friend zone?

bigdaddyeric 35

So you slept together in the same bed and went out on dates and she still thought you were Gay? Is your real name Richard Pencil? Cuz he’s the only person on here that sounds like that.

WTF!??!?! What did I do to deserve that? Once I get to a girl's bed, things happen. It's getting there in the first place that's tricky!

Well at least he thought they were dates. She certainly didn't.

I t i s a l l a c o n s p i r a c y . . .

Suaria 38

I'm wondering how did you not try kissing at least once before getting into bed with someone you thought you were dating?

Lobby_Bee 17

You slept in the same bed as her and you didn't make any moves? Can't blame her for thinking you're homosexual.

Yeah or just don't. If she is sleeping with you in a bed she thinks she's safe. If you start humping oder touching her or whatever it will not go out well.