By OG Pinecone - 23/07/2019 20:11 - United States - Englewood

Today, I was hanging with friends up at my best friend's cabin. We were in his hot tub cracking jokes when he told one that sent me into a fit of hysterics. He tried to shut me up by splashing water on me. It worked, because when I jerked my head to the side, I dislocated a rib. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 646
You deserved it 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least you didn't shart or shit in said hot tub, right?

The best thing to do if you split your sides laughing is to run until you get a stitch.


Well, at least you didn't shart or shit in said hot tub, right?

The best thing to do if you split your sides laughing is to run until you get a stitch.