By wowhoopla - 11/01/2010 01:10 - France

Today, some drunk dude broke into my house while my parents were out. Scared, I asked him what he wanted, his response was "cookies." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 075
You deserved it 3 683

wowhoopla tells us more.

well if u all must know hat happened I showed him we had Betty crocker chipsahoy and Oreo but he insistead on having them all. And all I could day was I'm going to be cookie broke so he decided to share some... and so i had cookies with some random drunk who broke into my house. can't day I've done that before...

Top comments

TheMichaelIsFres 0

that wasn't a drunk man I was cookie monster in disguise

theman34 0


pipp360 0

he said cookies but we all know wat he really wanted...

mptothedc 0

We're close to identifying the suspect. Now was he blue or did he have a big white beard?

lonlygurl250 0

lol i love long as ur ok and nothing horrible went wrong it could b a pretty fun as hell story

that wasnt a drunk guy that was CHUCK NORRIS' brother

theTwoFacedAngel 2

I DEEM THIS LULZWORTHY I would have laughed till I pissed myself, then I would tell him the cookies were almost done and call the cops cause that dude has so much wrong with him

Hahahha total win for the drunk guy!! lol Did you give him a cookie? :P I would have laughed sooo hard, after giving him a cookie and calling the cops of course! :)

NaNi0713 0

LMFAO wtf? dats a strange robber

TeeHooligan 0

Drunk..... Short guy? Aka 9 yrs old

That man embodies the true fatty spirit. You should be honored to have him in your home.