Close-knit family unit

By Anonymous - 27/05/2022 09:00 - United Kingdom - Redcar

Today, I woke up to my sister with her hand wrapped gently around my balls, saying, “Don’t lie or I’ll squeeze.” She wanted to know if I’d eaten her strawberries. I said no. She'd looked my bin and saw the empty packet. She looked back at me and squeezed. The pain made me late for work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 434
You deserved it 3 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it a common occurrence in the UK for siblings to touch each other's genitals?

Clearly you wanted to follow the berries with some crushed nuts.


serves ya right... if it doesn't belong to you don't ******* touch it

Clearly you wanted to follow the berries with some crushed nuts.

Is it a common occurrence in the UK for siblings to touch each other's genitals?

What the actual **** is wrong with your sister, that's pretty ******* sick on so many levels.

Madchick14 11

If you had told the truth, would you have gotten a handjob from your sister? I'm guessing that's how your family rolls.

The YDI count has shredded my faith in humanity. Even if he did lie, that did not justify her to do such a thing (I hate to play that game, but reverse the situation where he threatened to harm her somehow to get the truth out of her, and he does harm her after catching her in a lie, would you say she deserved whatever he [hypothetically] did to her?). Also, let's not forget HIS SISTER put her hand on his junk. To the people who clicked YDI, is that something that normally happens in your family?

no cause no one steals shit and then lies about. if they do there's consequences. also yes if the situation were reversed I'd still click YDI. I'll say it again if it's not yours don't ******* touch it... simple as that

Dustmop 18

Have you never had sibling's? If it was reversed siblings still get physical with eachother, so yes brother's still hurt sister's that being said the genital touching is still odd.

Maybe not. Maybe the "He Is My Brother" concept is so strong that she doesn't attribute anything sexual to it, just seeing it as a way to cause maximum pain for minimum effort.