By wowhoopla - 11/01/2010 01:10 - France

Today, some drunk dude broke into my house while my parents were out. Scared, I asked him what he wanted, his response was "cookies." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 075
You deserved it 3 683

wowhoopla tells us more.

well if u all must know hat happened I showed him we had Betty crocker chipsahoy and Oreo but he insistead on having them all. And all I could day was I'm going to be cookie broke so he decided to share some... and so i had cookies with some random drunk who broke into my house. can't day I've done that before...

Top comments

TheMichaelIsFres 0

that wasn't a drunk man I was cookie monster in disguise

theman34 0


kylehi0 0

well if u all must know hat happened I showed him we had Betty crocker chipsahoy and Oreo but he insistead on having them all. And all I could day was I'm going to be cookie broke so he decided to share some... and so i had cookies with some random drunk who broke into my house. can't day I've done that before...

kitkatkatie 0

lol that freaking hilours at least he only stole cookies!

... I'd go with giving him the cookie while laughing my ass off.

lmfao thats the funniest thing i have ever heard

Macadamia_fml 0

My gosh, that is the funniest thing ever! XDDD Though this is not a FML, it could've been a lot worse, dude XD He could've like, raped you or something instead of asking for cookies lol

leadrunner751 3

give him a cookie for being a genius

Damn im outta cookies! Howza bout some cimmanum toes crunch?!

profiler10 0

haha that's funny, did he leave after you gave him some cookies?