By Anonymous - 02/01/2011 18:22 - United Kingdom

Today, several family members, including my mum, deleted me from Facebook in a concerted show of contempt. Apparently, I just can't shut up about World of Warcraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 087
You deserved it 51 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hey, your real life might suck, but that's why they made World of Warcraft.

Everyone has different tastes in things. Don't be an ass because you don't like it.


clicking DYI repetitively as soon as I see WOW

MarkFeehily 0

I agree! As if playing World of Warcraft wasn't bad enough, you had to post it on Facebook!

There are tons of websites out there dedicated to talking about World of Warcraft and you choose Facebook to do it on? :P Your family probably thinks you're too obsessed with the game and want you to ease off it a little and talk about something else. Personally I'd just stick to talking about WoW to others who play it and on the WoW forums, etc.

you still have your guild and drake mount, right?

emmanizzer 6

awww forget them. do what makes you happy :)

imrpowers 2

ydi for talking aboutvit on facebook so much.

Are you gonna quit WOW? Can I have your stuff?

fire_in_the_hole 0
grastiars 0

I hate new warcheif of horde... lol and the username grastiars is my ally toon lol

I love WoW...but don't post on facebook about it. But your family majorly sucks for being jerks and not supporting your hobbies