Work sucks, I know

By Anonymous - 01/01/2023 16:00 - Malaysia

Today, it's my second week of internship, I have like 8 more weeks to go and I'm dreading it. It's an office internship and I HATE being in office environments. The sounds of the phone ringing, doorbell dinging, loud typing, and fluorescent lights? Argh, I want to end myself! FML
I agree, your life sucks 364
You deserved it 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The whole point of an internship (besides the employer getting cheap labor from you) is for you to learn what it’s like working in that field and for them to learn if in the future they would want you as a full employee… It sounds like you are in the wrong field if a normal office environment is that irritating to you. Give it a little time, perhaps it will become acceptable to you. If not consider a different field of work.

What kind of crazy office do you work in? We all know that the standard, typical office is people sitting around in Jacuzzis being massaged by either naked women with huge ******* or naked men with huge dongs, according to your preference. What kind of weird place are you in?


The whole point of an internship (besides the employer getting cheap labor from you) is for you to learn what it’s like working in that field and for them to learn if in the future they would want you as a full employee… It sounds like you are in the wrong field if a normal office environment is that irritating to you. Give it a little time, perhaps it will become acceptable to you. If not consider a different field of work.

What kind of crazy office do you work in? We all know that the standard, typical office is people sitting around in Jacuzzis being massaged by either naked women with huge ******* or naked men with huge dongs, according to your preference. What kind of weird place are you in?

Marcella1016 31

Maybe OP needs an office environment of naked women with huge dongs.

That's a perk for regional managers and above. The grunts below that are stuck with masseuses/masseurs who sport huge appendages that are typical for their gender. And also, water Jacuzzis. The big knobs sit in champagne Jacuzzis. This isn't common knowledge?

Sounds like you have a bright future of working outside in the forest and/or endless fields ripening in the sun. Not machinery, because if typing is too loud for you, imagine drilling.

Yup, we all hate it. The lights are horrendous, the noise is shitty, etc etc. But it pays the bills.

wow, this site is accepting any story now these days, smh

Battousai124 7

That sounds like some form of sensory overload, you should see a doctor.