By poop - 06/02/2011 18:26 - United States

Today, I asked my ex-boyfriend how things were going since our breakup. We broke up because he admitted he was questioning his sexuality, and wanted to play for the other team. He took the conversation as an opportunity to talk about his new, amazing girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 904
You deserved it 4 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

damn. you shud tell his new gf that he's gay

sourgirl101 28

Maybe his new girlfriend has a penis! OP, it seems that you broke things off on good terms, which is rare. Be happy you're single and find someone that wants to be with you!(:


damn. you shud tell his new gf that he's gay

Privations_fml 3

LOL she should. Who knows how that will turn out.

Pff, why lies? The truth is already very painful. Tell his new girlfriend that he's questioning his sexuality.

Who said he was hiding it? And op, your ex has moved on; you should too. Who cares if he's found love with a walrus, the point is you two are no longer together!

That'd be about the same as telling his new gf she's a bitter ex. It's none of OP's business what his sexuality is or isn't. Leave the new gf alone and accept that, whatever the reason, the relationship is over.

MrBond007_fml 6

gay is just a term created by guys to get rid of girls they don't want

derpherp 0

Well, all these comments are kinda, dumb. Girlfriend can be used to specify one of the gay males in the relationship. Not just heterosexuality

newjerseyguy 0

tell you used a strap-on on him everytime you had sex

I admit I don't know every gay male in existence but none of the many that I do know refer to their SOs as "girlfriend". Besides, he described the gf to the OP and I doubt she would've posted the FML if he was dating a male as she'd anticipated he would.

agreed. obviously she was doing something wrong if he had to question his sexuality with her... but found someone else he thinks is amazing enough to straighten up his questioning...

Well guys, I ********** to Rattata pictures nightly. That is all.

Let this be a lesson to you. Maybe someday you'll learn that masturbating will make you go blind and give you hairy palms and make you look like a complete idiot on FML.

KingDingALing 9

Do you ********** to Precious pictures also? Sounds like you do, you sick ****.

dudeitsdanny 9

I only ********** to Joey's rattata. I like quality ones, and he's in the top percentage of rattatas.

DudeImBetter 0

I ********** to ratatat music all the time, especially their music video cherry.

haha, precious in other words, the black pilsbury dough girl.

PenguinToucher 0

Rattata... As in the Pokémon?

What did you expect? He said questioning not definitely switching and you basically asked about his current partner..

Because we REALLY wanted to know that...

TheDrop 0

seriously. some people post some really bad and boring fmls. that was probably OPs probably, she was boring and a bad girlfriend

out of all the fmls that suck monkey nuts, u bitch about this one?

If you don't want to read stories about people lives you are on the wrong app/website.

Because we REALLY wanted to know that...

Because we REALLY wanted to know that...

sourgirl101 28

Maybe his new girlfriend has a penis! OP, it seems that you broke things off on good terms, which is rare. Be happy you're single and find someone that wants to be with you!(:

His reason for breaking up with you is perfectly legitimate and just because he is questioning his sexuality doesn't mean he's never allowed to date a girl ever. I put FYL, because it must really feel sucky, but he didn't really do anything that wrong.

ShadyFTW1 0

You made him question his sexuality OP? You must either be very unpleasant, or ugly as hell.

Clearly his new girlfriend was enough to make him change his mind.

dontfeedthetroll_fml 2

he probobly lied about his new gf to make u jelaous op...

dezinspaaace 0

why would he make her jealous if he said he was questioning his sexuality? he broke up with her i'm assuming.