By Meetingman - 20/12/2016 08:36

Today, our company did a photo-session for the website. The photographer was limping, and I immediately asked what's wrong with him. Then I noticed he was on a prosthetic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 441
You deserved it 2 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You showed concern... that has to count for something.

well if they were wearing pants you couldn't have known anyway. and limping isn't only for a leg problem, could have been hip or back problem, as well. but blurting things out happens to the best of us. it's over with, move on.


I mean if someone's limping wouldn't your first reaction be to look at their leg?

species4872 19

Of coarse not, you've gotta ask so everyone else knows your stupid too.

If they're wearing pants or a long skirt, you wouldn't necessarily be able to tell at first glance.

Do you usally make such great first impressions?

Those Abercrombie models sure are the hottest but not the brightest.

You showed concern... that has to count for something.

well if they were wearing pants you couldn't have known anyway. and limping isn't only for a leg problem, could have been hip or back problem, as well. but blurting things out happens to the best of us. it's over with, move on.

species4872 19

So I presume he took your flash of concern in the negative?

Were "what's wrong with you?" your actual words? May I suggest "are you okay?" as a friendlier alternative? (but if you did say something like "are you okay? you look like you're limping" in a respectful and concerned tone, it's probably not a big deal, you were just making sure your photographer wasn't about the keel over)