By me - 16/01/2011 06:50 - United States

Today, one of my boyfriend's friends ranted on about how I am such a crappy girlfriend and how all of his friends don't like me. I just spent over $200 on a surprise party that I invited them all to last weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 504
You deserved it 3 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's funny how nobody here seems to understand the FML. OP, it are just his friends. Very disrepectful friends, but still, his friends. You don't need to hang out with them and have a jolly good time. Just ignore them. The only thing I hope for is that your boyfriend defends you.

ZeeBest86 6

Doesn't make you less of a bitch by spending $200. Not that I'm insinuating that you're a bitch...I'm just saying.


hysterical 1

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spending money doesn't make you a better girlfriend. we don't really care about shit anyway. and dump him? it was a friend talking, not him. be a better girlfriend maybe?

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How? He didn't do anything. It was his friends..

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It's funny how nobody here seems to understand the FML. OP, it are just his friends. Very disrepectful friends, but still, his friends. You don't need to hang out with them and have a jolly good time. Just ignore them. The only thing I hope for is that your boyfriend defends you.

Yes. Why is everyone saying get a new bf? It is "one" of his friends who said this. Maybe you should tell your bf what his friend said and see if he defends you to them.

I kinda have my doubts about somebody "ranting" to someones face with no justification unless his friends are serious A holes and If that's the case **** 'em there assholes who cares but, ladies please live in your fantasy land if you want

jayellef 3

if his friends are serious a's$holes like they sound then her boyfriend should be sticking up for her. if he isn't then maybe the boyfriend doesn't really care about her and then she should move on. any guy wouldn't let his friends say things about a girl he likes.

harnold2000 5

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She does, it's her boyfriend's friend, not her second boyfriend. READ THE FML!!

ZeeBest86 6

Doesn't make you less of a bitch by spending $200. Not that I'm insinuating that you're a bitch...I'm just saying.

Boaf, it's indeed not about the money, but inviting the friends to a surprise party isn't a bitch move. On the contrary.

That's not his point. Of course setting up a party isn't a bitch move but maybe she pulled other bitch moves in the past. Again, we don't know.

bittersweets 2

That's what I was thinking. It was nice of her to throw him a party, but she could still be a bitch.

sleeping with his friends is definately not the solution...