WhatsApp drama

By Anonymous - 08/02/2023 02:00

Today I found out my husband was throwing a 50th surprise party for me, and no one RSVP'd because of my best friend starting arguing with everyone in a group text. This was going to be the first big party or surprise party that I'd ever had. FML
I agree, your life sucks 988
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

take a hard look back on your friendship with her. no true friend would do that to you. she's either evil, or she's truly narcissistic and can't stand the thought of a big event not being about her. our just seriously over controlling. I'd ghost her ass.


take a hard look back on your friendship with her. no true friend would do that to you. she's either evil, or she's truly narcissistic and can't stand the thought of a big event not being about her. our just seriously over controlling. I'd ghost her ass.