By Well... fuck me sideways and call me Eustace - 31/01/2013 11:34 - United States - Riverside

Today, on my way to work, I hit a pothole about the size of Alabama, bending my wheel and flattening my tire. After changing it and having to explain myself to my furious boss, I went back on that road in my other car to take a picture of the pothole. While looking for it, I hit it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 512
You deserved it 42 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, Eustace, I'd say i don't need to **** you sideways, you already did that yourself. But hey don't get all bent out of shape about it!


The lengths we will go to to prove ourselves... Sigh.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Your name literally made me cackle out loud, snort my drink up my face and choke explosively all over myself.

Lol, I bet you were thinking when you were driving, ******* pothole got me in trouble I'm going to show my boss tha......oh shit what was that?

ulissey_fml 22

You hit the jack-pot TWICE ? It can only have been potluck..

myeviltwin 20

Instead of looking for the pothole, I mean anyone can take a pic of one doesn't mean they hit it. Why didn't you just take your boss out to your trunk and show him the bent rim and flat tire?

Maybe the boss thought he had a hyper-evil bitch of an ex who slashed the **** out of only one tire and wielded the power to bend rims as well. Really, boss logic is not always ... logical.

OHai15 12

can someone please explain to me how this person deserves this???

CharresBarkrey 15

Are you kidding? How do they not?

I hit that same pothole. isn't it right between Georgia and Mississippi?

Either your cars are ridiculously big or Alabama is smaller than I thought.

My guess is that it was a stealth pothole that comes out of waiting only when it is fully ready to **** OP up. Your luck is just generally terrible.