By heallven - 31/01/2013 12:26 - France - Ostricourt

Today, my loyalty and regularity at my local pizza place were noticed. The delivery guy, when bringing yet another order, asked me if the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were living with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 436
You deserved it 94

Top comments

Rosie_Posie43 12

He must've noticed Master Splinter crawling around your house...

Hey, the customer is always right. You DID need those 5 extra large pizzas with extra cheese stuffed crust and extra salami topping. You DID need midnight seconds, too. You oughta give them a pizza your mind.


Rosie_Posie43 12

He must've noticed Master Splinter crawling around your house...

I have no idea! it doesn't really make sense unless there is a fraction in his address.

8- bet you wish you could shredder comment, don't you?

BradTheBrony 19

Because the Ninja Turtles live in the sewers, and I think they have their adress set as Yadda yadda and a half yadda yadda street.

For god's sakes, can't anybody on FML handle their liquor?

Try getting Chinese every now and then...shake things up.

But then they wonder if Kung fu panda is with him

26, stop being so ridiulous, Kung fu Panda isn't living with him, pandas eat bamboo not chinese food, you're just being silly.

I think it OP needs it stirred, not shaken.

Not in Kung foo panda...he eats his soup stuff..

FlamingTacos 7

I'm not sure how the toilet would like that

That would be pretty ******* awesome if they did

Hey, the customer is always right. You DID need those 5 extra large pizzas with extra cheese stuffed crust and extra salami topping. You DID need midnight seconds, too. You oughta give them a pizza your mind.

No, I don't think they burned the pizza.

I am sorry 85 your comment is the fail

no, see 85 was just correctly labeling their own comment.

Imhere4fml 24

I hope you gave him a good tip or Shredder will come to get you.

You should dress up as one of them next time you pick up your order.

#11 he should get three other friends and they all should dress like The TMNTs.

Oh yeah he did. That guy has balls. My favorite is when he is dressed like the kangaroo or pac man.

Whenever one of OP's friends is over for pizza, he could simply yell, "Pizza!? Cowabunga, dude!" from the other room.

Ultradmac 9

and this is a FML? would of made me laugh.