By Well... fuck me sideways and call me Eustace - 31/01/2013 11:34 - United States - Riverside

Today, on my way to work, I hit a pothole about the size of Alabama, bending my wheel and flattening my tire. After changing it and having to explain myself to my furious boss, I went back on that road in my other car to take a picture of the pothole. While looking for it, I hit it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 512
You deserved it 42 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, Eustace, I'd say i don't need to **** you sideways, you already did that yourself. But hey don't get all bent out of shape about it!


Obey_StudBoii 23

You would have thought by the first time you would have learned.

bethelise 8

you got screwed over by a hole. shame on you!

MexicanTexasQtt 9

next time take a picture of the flat wheel and tire not the pothole dipshit

Sounds like the road needs to be paved over with more ASSSSphalt.

iammeorami 25

If the pothole was as big as you say it was, OP...... THEN HOW THE **** DID YOU MISS IT THE SECOND TIME?! You are a special kind of stupid. YDI