By Taylor - 02/07/2019 20:00

Today, I asked my boyfriend, who loves board games, to give me advice on a board game I'm making. I ended up crying in the fetal position. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 496
You deserved it 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mathalamus 24

If you actually want to be a game designer, you need to be able to take criticism. There are a lot of good board games and your first board game is not going to be one of them. When my friend wanted me to playtest his game, my criticism amounted to an entire rewrite of the rules of the game. If this would upset you enough to curl up in a ball, you need to rethink what you want to do.


Mathalamus 24

I know I'm gonna get downvoted however you've got to handle criticism if you are going to be a game developer...

If you actually want to be a game designer, you need to be able to take criticism. There are a lot of good board games and your first board game is not going to be one of them. When my friend wanted me to playtest his game, my criticism amounted to an entire rewrite of the rules of the game. If this would upset you enough to curl up in a ball, you need to rethink what you want to do.

Don’t ask questions you don’t want real answers to.

Why do people assume OP cannot take criticism. There is a world of difference between constructive feedback that actually improves the game (even if this results in complete rewrites of rules) and burning someones ideas to the ground. It is entirely possible that the boyfriend was a dick, shitted on the whole premise of the game and basically told his SO it sucked. I take criticism well and search to receive it from peers explicitly, but I can still be hurt if people are just rude or flatout mean and that never helps the project.

This one depends entirely on what was said. Was he cruel, or were you expecting nothing but praise? There's not enough info here to guess.

WeirdUS 29

Even if he was a dick crying in the fetal position is way too much. Serisouly are you that sensitive?

Ask someone else. He is probably holding your game to a very high standard if he loves board games and has zero EQ