By Damn_her - 05/03/2009 00:04 - Canada

Today, my wife and I were driving to the gas station, she let me out before she pulled up to the pumps because I had to buy some things from the store. I returned to see my wife proudly filling the tank. Smiling, she told me that diesel was cheaper than regular gas. We don't own a diesel car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 333
You deserved it 8 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Here in America, we have much larger nozzles for diesel gas, so that people like your wife cannot put diesel in their cars. The nozzle will not fit into the tank. Only cars with diesel engines have holes large enough to stick the diesel nozzle in.

Oh dear God. :( Strangely diesel is more expensive here in the UK.


DamUrLyfeSukz 0

and all the money you saved in buying diesel is now going into getting the tank pumped clean i bet :(

hawks08 1

usually diesel gas pump nozzles are different sizes than the regular pumps, thus preventing these sorts of things from happening. good try though

Im in Canada, and diesel has finally gotten cheaper then gas again. (it always was atleast10 cents cheaper before the gas hike ) and i used to work for a gas station in the office, one of our boys filled a diesel school bus with gas, so here in canada it is possible :) Either way its a funny story

I highly doubt that this is in fact true.

Hope she didn't try to start the car...

Rok_fml 0

So she drove you around, or at least knows how to drive your car - but doesn't know the difference between diesel and gas? She also managed to squeeze the diesel nozzle into a non-diesel tank.. HMMM