By what-the-what - 29/10/2017 13:00 - United States - Mount Pleasant

Today, my mother called me at work, freaking out about my dog, so I panicked. What was wrong? He had a hard-on and she'd never seen that happen before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 781
You deserved it 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The red rocket is pretty disconcerting. It also ruins family photos!

Consider it a compliment that the dog was happy to see her? Some dogs wag their tails...while others...


The red rocket is pretty disconcerting. It also ruins family photos!

Looks like mom pulled a boner about Fido's boner.

Mom probably gave the dog Viagra instead of its blood pressure meds by mistake.

So what planet did you Mom grow up on?

I guess she was having a hard time with what she was seeing.

She actually freaked out about that? When our last dog to have that be a recurring issue was having that "problem" I was ten, and it was more of a "ugh, not again, so unsanitary" issue for me than anything. But there was also the relative that was a nurse that freaked the **** out and called my mom- who was at work- about it. And tried to convince mom to let her take him to an emergency vet. Over a boner.

Consider it a compliment that the dog was happy to see her? Some dogs wag their tails...while others...