By Anonymous - 16/11/2010 02:02 - United States

Today, my wife and I had one of the biggest arguments we've ever had, which resulted in her leaving, going to her parents' house and calling me twice, screaming and sobbing. The argument was over a seven dollar bottle of wine. Apparently, she was "saving it for a special occasion." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 323
You deserved it 5 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thisgirl2u 9

Perhaps she was emotional and this was just the "straw that broke the camels back." Maybe She's been holding some serious anger issues inside for a long time.. like you always leave the toilet seat up and your clothes never make it into the hamper and you're just not the man she thought she married.. so Like any rational women upset and miserable with her life she takes it on you when you least suspect it.. you know like over a cheap bottle of wine.. ;-)


AA is free. Divorce costs. Sometimes the best things in life aren't free

what a pathetic being. Why would you bother with a woman like that, if my girlfriend even started to have fights over things i didn't see as important i'd break up with her.

What if it happens to be something that's very important to her? I mean, yeah, if she does it over everything, then you have a good point. But what if there's one thing she thinks is really important but you don't?

Yeah, the one thing that hasn't been addressed by any comment is the chance that the bottle had some sentimental value for her, like it was given to her by a friend who has died, or was meant to be kept to be drunk on a particular anniversary of something or other. Look at it another way, I'm sure someone's childhood teddy bear isn't worth much, but everyone on here would understand someone flipping out if a partner threw that out.

Sober1128 9

1. Apologize. she feels like you hurt her for some reason...wrong or right you should apologize. 2. Make damn sure that she isn't screaming and hollering about a broad scale issue that this falls into. 3. Get a pregnancy test for her. the first month or two SUCK like this. 4. Don't be an asshole and put your private life on FML. Oh wait...better be apologizing for that too. secrets aren't right in a marriage.

rosemary_fml 5

yeah, or maybe you're an alcoholic, op, or even just selfish, and took the bottle she had probably bought just for her and hid from you, then got upset because it's happened dozens of times.

Ha, yeah, no kidding... I'm sure there's plenty more to the greater story. Often, the "crazier" women are painted in such stories, the crazier someone has DRIVEN them... Was it really and truly just about one bottle of cheap wine one time?

restythestar 0

drink the wine then since it's special occasion. divorce is special rite?

That's really not cool to say...You may think that little joke is funny, but divorce is a serious thing and you've most likely just given the OP a reason to be exceedingly worried over nothing. Grow up and learn not to make insensitive jokes you ass.

Your wife has deeper psychological trauma than you may realize or a possible bipolar personality that will manifest itself as she gets older.

Daviddwd 0

It must have been her time of month

Stupid Americans could spot a good bottle of wine if I hit them over the head with it! I can't imagine what a $7 bottle would taste like...why would you waste $7?!!